How does it feel like to marry your God’s best?

“Someone asked me a few months ago, how does it feel like that soon I’ll be marrying the man of my dreams. I said, I don’t know. The man of my dreams is James Reid, and the last time I checked, I’m still engaged with Johnrick. No, I am not marrying the man of my dreams, but I am marrying my God’s best.” – excerpts from my vows exactly a year ago.

I can’t believe it has really been a year. I can still see myself wearing my wedding dress; families and friends all celebrating with us; Johnrick waiting for me at the end of the aisle while I nervously go down the stairs, praying I won’t trip; everyone dancing and having a good time. It still feels like it was just yesterday. Where did time go?

So one year after, how does it feel like to be married with your God’s best?

It’s life-changing in all aspects.

You sleep and wake up every night and day with the same face beside you knowing it’ll be like that for, uh, forever. Not that it’s a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. It’s just different than what you’re used to; Other than your patients, there’s one more person now that you have to take care of when they’re sick; You get nagged all the time when you forget to bring things; You’ll find out that petty fights are real things even after you got married; All the things they said on their wedding vows aren’t exactly how you should expect it; More family gatherings that you have to go to and people that you need to meet; You’ll almost never go on trips alone.

It sure is a very challenging phase, especially on the first year of marriage- too many adjustments. But what do I love about it?

You sleep and wake up every night and day with someone to share your goals and dreams; You no longer have to be the only one taking care of others, now there’s someone who takes care of you when you’re sick too, cause unfortunately, nurses are not invincible; When you forget something, they’re always there to save the day; The most fights you get into are arguments on who does your puppy listen to more; Their vows aren’t exactly true cause they’ll give you better than that; Your heart will overflow from all the love of your new families and friends; All the places and experiences will be shared with someone you love, and that makes every trip even more special.

I know one year is just a small number, actually it’s just the start. I know there’s still a lot to come and many new challenges that we still have to go through and learn from. But knowing I have someone beside me to face all these, I am more than ready!

Happy anniversary insta hubby! Happy anniversary God’s best! Cheers to one year! And here’s to 5, 10, 50, 70 more years together!



  1. 11th November 2017 / 4:34 PM

    Awww this is beautiful ✨❤️

    • Cherrie
      11th November 2017 / 4:59 PM

      Thank you Adri! You are too sweet!💖

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